Sunday, 8 January 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Thank you to Peach at peachsbeauty for this! Make sure you go check out her blog. =]

The award encourages and supports bloggers with less than 200 followers! Basically what you have to do is:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you
 2. Reveal the five blogs you have chosen and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
 3. Copy and paste the award onto your blog
 4. Request that people you have sent the award to forward it on to their favourite bloggers

The blogs I choose are:

Make sure you go check out these great blogs!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for presenting me with the Liebster award, it is much appreciated and made my day :)

    You have a great blog here!


Comments, criticism, questions & love all welcome.

Stephanie x