Thursday 13 June 2013

It's Time for a Spending Ban!

There comes a time in every beauty addicts life that you realise you own a hellava lot of make up! And I mean a lot. I have come to that realisation recently. I have drawers and boxes full of make up that is not getting the love it deserves. Let's not mention the boxes of nail polish that has never been on my nails.

My face drawer.

Since starting work six months ago, I have had extra money to spend and have really lost all self control when it comes to shopping. Yes, I work hard for my money and pay all my bills but I spend a lot. 

However, I have decided lately that there is other things I want than just owning too much make up. Like travelling, a new computer, camera and that Chanel bag I have been dreaming about for years! Or these super gorgeous Charlotte Olympia Kitty flats! 

My lips and eyes drawer. 

So what does one do when they come to this realisation? They go a self imposed spending ban. Yes, I am on the dreaded spending ban. I have tried before and honestly? I usually only last about 3 days. 

So far I have made it a week with no beauty related purchases. I plan on going for six weeks all up. My spending ban will finish on July 19th. Just in time for me to do some shopping when the family and I go to Melbourne for Chase's first birthday (with a pirate theme). Arrr matey! 

There will be some exceptions of course. Essentials like hair care, skincare and body care products are allowed but only what is a must have necessity. 

A sneak peek into my future blog sale.

You may ask how a self confessed shopaholic plans on going six weeks without buying any of her favourite addiction? Firstly, I gave my credit card to my Mum to hide for me so I couldn't use it. Secondly, I am avoiding beauty sites like they are the plague. Thirdly, I plan on appreciating the make up I own and fourthly, I will be having a blog sale. 

If anyone is interested? It will include brands like Chanel, YSL, Benefit, Lancome, Clarins and lots of drugstore items. All reasonably priced and I will ship internationally (at buyers cost). 

I will keep you updated on how I am going with my spending ban after another week or two. Hopefully I will succeed. 

Have you been on a spending ban? Was it successful? Are you interested in a blog sale?


  1. Would love to pick up a few items from your blog sale! When will you be uploading it? I'd love to get a sneak peak of the items if possible :)


    1. It should be up in the next couple of days :)

  2. Blog sale sounds awesome :) your collection is so well organised and tidy...mine just gets more messy each day!

    1. Haha it took me about an hour to make it look nice and neat for the photos!

  3. Sounds like a great idea! I'm in the same boat as you - started work 6 months ago and lost all self control. I have boxes and boxes of brand new, unopened make-up that I have no clue what to do with ahhahaha

    1. Haha same, it got to the stage that I had parcel arriving everyday and no where to put the new goodies! I figured I need to get it under control :)

  4. Good luck to you and your ban :o) I look forward to your blog sale.

    I am having a giveaway on my blog if you would like to join in.

    Jac x0x

  5. Wow, your lip products take up half your bottom drawer! Good luck on your spending ban, I was quite successful with mine. I just kept telling myself when I went into 'shop' mode that I didn't need this stuff, and that it won't be going anywhere so I can get it later if necessary.

    Beauty Challenged

    1. Yup that is what I have already been telling myself. "If I am meant to have it, I will be able to get it after the spending ban" haha :)

  6. WOW, that's a serious collection....and thing is, as you say, you don't even enjoy all the nice things you have, and no way you'd ever be able to use them before the products go off!!!
    Good luck with the spending ban!!

  7. The blog sale is a magnificent idea, and you have a wonderful collection that I am drooling over. Excuse me for one moment while I need to clean it up.

  8. Good luck with the spending ban! With your strategy I think you'll succeed this time.

    I know the hardest thing is the temptation so it's a good idea to stay away from any beauty sites - including blog haul posts! I guess you can make an exception for empties posts, though, hehe ;)

    1. Haha Vita good one!

      I am lucky being in the country, I don't get to shopping centres really often so the only temptation I have to stay away from is the online stores and they are all having sales atm... Argh haha :)

  9. I'm on a spending ban right now too. I honestly thought it was going to be easier than this. I'm aiming for a month, still have two weeks to go and I'm afraid I might be at breaking point. Clever idea giving your credit card to somebody else, that'll help you more than you know! Best of luck with it!

    1. Yeah having the credit card in my wallet was just too tempting.
      Good luck with your last two weeks! :)

  10. I put myself on a spending ban last month and only broke it once (on the 2nd last day! haha) It has definitely worked in curbing my spending! Since June 1st I have only bought 3 things and find myself putting back things I pick up and walking out of Priceline, Target etc. with only things I REALLY want/need.

    Good luck!

  11. holy crap! that's a whole lotta makeup! do some reviews and comparisions on the products you already own, that'll keep you occupied without looking at the latest releases, plus you might find a whole lot more in your stash that you don't need and can sell :) good luck

    1. Haha yup you will seeing lots of blog posts in the next 5 weeks on products I already own but have been neglecting lately :)

  12. Interested to see the Blog sale dear. Good luck with six weeks, you have the right idea starting small. ^_^

    1. Thanks! I feel if I can get control for 6 weeks it will be easier to control my everyday spending :)


Comments, criticism, questions & love all welcome.

Stephanie x